After School Clubs
We offer various clubs for students to participate in. Clubs change every year based on the interests of our student population. Some current clubs are:
- Patiño Student Ambassadors Club
- Yearbook
- Board Games Club
- Book Club
- FARMS Leadership
- Website Development Club
Examples of Some Of Our Current Clubs:
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
FBLA is a chapter organization where students learn skills needed for the future business world. Students involved in FBLA compete with other schools in a variety of business-related events such as Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Networking, Job Interviews, and more!
Entrepreneurship Club
Entrepreneurship Club is a student-driven club where students get one-on-one support for any business ideas they create. They also get the chance to get exclusive interaction with local business owners in a variety of industries such as marketing, tech, cybersecurity, food, ice cream, and more!
CTE Ambassadors
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student Ambassador Program allows students to practice their leadership and marketing skills by participating in the recruitment, promotion, and outreach expansion efforts for the CTE Entrepreneurship pathway at our school. Students present about the school’s CTE program at middle schools and parent information nights, network with business and post-secondary partners, and brainstorm events/activities to help spread awareness within the community. They also plan, host, and participate in different service learning and volunteering activities. Students apply and are elected to represent the school as a CTE Ambassador.